Yes, yes. I promised ya'll to come back here to blog and here i am! I've fulfilled my promise. I never go back on my words. *Crosses fingers* TeeHee! :-D These few days, i've been daydreaming ALOT. About several things at a time. Cos you know, a girl can dream whenever she wants to. Even when ya'll are in the privacy of your own bathroom, BO-ing. Lol. I was thinking of getting IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Laser Hair Removal on both my armpits and my va-jay-jay. Therefore, i won't need to shave or wax ever again! Was thinking of getting my own laptop too but i scrapped that thought cos it doesn't hurt to share this laptop with my brother, i guess. Also, like Rehana, i wanna get Lasik eye surgery as well so that i don't have to buy contacts anymore and so that i can skip the sticking-your-finger-in-your-eyes process. All these require thousands of dollars and i ain't got no thousands on me so maybe in future, possibly. For the past week, what i've been doing was changing my diet to a healthier one and i've started back on the exercising track. It was great and i felt the endorphins aka feel-good hormones which perks me up everyday and which leaves me wanting more. Unfortunately, post-night shift, two days ago, i got bad coughing and intolerable sore throat. As i'm typing this down, i was supposed to be afternoon shift today but i took sickie cos i REALLY felt awful and lousy when i woke up this morning and STILL am feeling so right now. Hopefully, i'll get well soon cos i wanna continue exercising.
Currently, i'm obsessed with Australia's Next Top Model Cycle 5. I think most of them look beautiful in their own way. I found a few celeb lookalikes from this bunch. Take a look!
But of course i do have my personal favourites! They are....
Since i'm not able to change my hair colour as often as i change my panties, lol. Just kidding! Sometimes i just wish i could change my hair colour according to the makeup look i wear for the day. Like for example, if imma be doing dark, gothic makeup for the day, i would want jet black hair to match! You get what i'm saying? Ok. So for May 2010, i decided to go jet black, with bangs(which i haven't had since i was 17 so you can imagine how nervous i was when i got my bangs cut short at the salon.... Eek! :-s)!! The look i'm going for is Sagia Castaneda's look from Pitbull's music video "I Know You Want Me(Calle Ocho)". I have highlighted bleached hair. I read somewhere that you cannot just dye whatever colour you want over your bleached hair, otherwise it will turn into a weird greenish colour or a disgusting greyish colour. I've done some research before doing DIY dye on my hair. FYI: I'm quite a pro at dying hair cos i've been doing it since i was 9 years of age. ;) I just cannot do highlights lol. Too complicating. Say, you have bleached light hair, and you want to go darker, NEVER EVER dye your hair brown straight away. It'll turn out a gross greenish colour and you wouldn't want that. You need to go redhead first before going brunette. See, when you had your hair bleached, you've completely stripped the red tone out of your hair. So now, we wanna deposit the red tone back into your hair. That was exactly what i did. I went redhead first before going dark, jet black ebony hair! Oh! I like L'oreal's hair dye but the black colour was out of stock so i tried this brand called Schwarzkopf. Got it for $9.95 per box at Watsons. I think it's too cheap for a hair dye price. Very, VERY hesitant on buying it. After trying it, i still think Garnier and L'oreal make waaaaayyyyyyy better hair dye!!!! As for my bangs, i'm not sure if i look aight with it but i definitely cannot get used to it.
I'm SUPER ecstatic when i bought my first set of makeup brushes, i couldn't stop raving about it!!!! Hehehehe.... I know. People thought that being a makeup junkie and all, i'd already have my makeup tools in hand. But no. I didn't buy it earlier cos i thought i'd need to buy more expensive ones so that they'll last longer. But i've come to realise that even affordable ones can be of high quality. I think Sharon has gotten me influenced on thinking that the more expensive the beauty product is, the higher the quality. Some advice ladies! NEVER underestimate cheaper/affordable beauty products. Sorry Sharon but I SO TOTALLY standby what i said!! ;) Take for example, Olay skin care! It is true that they have one of the best anti-aging creams compared to higher end ones.
Ok ok. The brand of makeup brushes i got is Ecotools. They're known for their affordable, good quality and environmentally-friendly brushes. This set i got, it includes 2-in-1 brow shaper/eyelash comber brush, eyeshadow brush, blush brush, angled liner brush and concealer brush, all packed into a bamboo cup holder. I bought the foundation brush separately. The handles are made from bamboo and it's a highly sustainable plant. The aluminium that binds the bristles together are made from recycled aluminium. Finally, the synthetic taklon bristles of the brushes are 100% cruelty-free. I got the brushes set for $29.90 at Watsons. The foundation brush is $11.90. Ain't that value for money? I've been diggin' them cos they're like SUPER soft, i'm SO in love with'em!!!! :) Ok ok. I know Ecotools don't have the complete, full range of makeup brushes. To complete my collection, i've been browsing Sephora makeup brushes. Ah well.... I'll let you know if i'll buy them or not. Psst! I heard they use goat hair. Eek!! :-s
Today i pushed myself TO THE CORE!!!! I'm EXTREMELY proud of myself!! :p So here's a breakdown of what workouts i did earlier on. At FF's Fusionopolis gym.... 1)Interval training on treadmill(i heard it burns fat quicker!)-30 minutes. 2)Cross training-30 minutes. And then, i went home.... 3)Thigh exercises(3 different types)-3 sets of 20 each. 4)Squats-3 sets of 20. 5)Butt exercises(3 different types)-3 sets of 20 each. 6)Leg raises to the side(for hips)-3 sets of 20. 7)Arm exercises using 3kg dumbbells(4 different types)-3 sets of 10 each. 8)Abs exercises-5 sets of 20. I remember everything that Benji(my ex-personal trainer) taught me back at CF. I SHALL NOT LET MYSELF SLACK, I SHALL PREVAIL! OH YES!! IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING(Adidas)!!!! JUST DO IT(Nike)!!!! Err.... Anymore sports apparel slogans? Alrighty. Imma just chill in front of the fan now. And maybe sing a bit before heading for the shower. I feel different.
Time is 12.40am over here and i just got home from Orchard. I don't feel sleepy yet so just posting this blog entry to pass time. We're supposed to be meeting at 5pm but everyone was late except Nora lol. I reached there at 5.50pm, so went ahead with Nora to get her Chanel foundation. I wanted to take a video of the beauty advisor applying the foundation on Nora but she didn't allow it. "No photo-takings in shopping mall". Is that true? I swear i've never heard of that before! :-o OMG! Nora bought four Chanel items!! She got a makeup base, a liquid foundation, loose powder and a compact powder. I wonder how much damage that did to her bank account. Hmm.... Hardly a dent i guess cos after all, she earns like three times of what we do! About ten minutes later, Aini came. We were walking around Tangs for about half an hour and Nora had to leave. Aww.... Ah well! Later on, Aini and me had dinner at Long John Silver's. Then came along Nurul! Finally she's back from JB!! She had dental appointment all the way at JB! Gosh!! We went shopping for our perfumes at Lucky Plaza. In the end, Nurul didn't get any perfume cos she said she's still got plenty. Aini got Britney Spears' Midnight Fantasy. I got two Escada perfumes. Marine Groove and Sunset Heat. $38 each. That's quite a great deal i must say. Then we went window shopping at Cotton On and Forever 21. At the end of the outing, we lepak at Coffee Bean at Ion Orchard. Oh! Forgot to mention we got ourselves matching black rings at Forever 21, they rock! Ok ok! I'll stop typing already and show you them photos!!
I heard this lil joke on radio. Just thought i'd share it over here. Ok, here goes! At a conference, the first mother confessed her obsession for food, hence, she named her daughter Candy. The second mother confessed her obsession for money, hence, she named her daughter Penny. The third mother confessed her obsession for alcohol, hence, she named her daughter Brandy. The fourth mother got up from her seat and dragged her son saying, "C'mon Dick, let's go."
I recently went bonkers over braided hairstyle, french braid in particular. It all started when Yu Xuan volunteered to braid my hair. Automatically after she was done with it, i got compliments that i look good with french braid. And then the next day, Roseanne volunteered to braid my hair also! Culo!! Ok. The first pix is done by Yu Xuan. And the second pix is Roseanne's artwork!! Ain't it sophisticated? :p
I know i'm not supposed to be lazing around at home today. But i got TOO comfortable in my own bed. Woke up at around 1pm in the afternoon. Felt like just lounging in my room. So chose two dvds to watch. The first one is A Series of Unfortunate Events and the other one is my all-time favourite movie, Twilight. Lol. I know, i'm a sucker for teen romance flicks. I've got plenty of those in my drawer, plus chick flicks! ;) Popped a popcorn bag to eat while watching dvd. It's called Orville Redenbacher's gourmet Smartpop. And it says 94% fat free butter. It has 3 popcorn bags in them. If i recall correctly, i bought this for around $4-$5 i think. One bag contains 113 calories. That's very reasonable if you're counting calories and this makes a great mid-day snack. For drinks, i'm tempted to just open the refrigerator door and take one of dad's soya bean milk carton drink but that's quite high in sugar content. So made my own drink instead. Crystal Light in lemonade flavour. And believe it or not, it's only 5 calories for one small tub. And i didn't even use one whole tub. Just two pinches of the powder and mixed it in with iced water, it's refreshing! Of course, there are other flavours too. For this crystal light container, there's 4 small tubs in them. Costs me $8+. But i think it'll last me for a year cos i hardly drink flavoured drinks. Only plain water can quench my thirst.
I'm hunching right now. Cos i've been cleaning my room since 2pm in the afternoon, and now it's 5am in the morning! So i have been cleaning for more than 12 hours!!!! Of course i had a dinner break, duh! Well.... The last time i cleaned up my room, i tidied up my wardrobe. But this time, i tidied the rest of the room like my dressing table, my study table, my pc table and my tv drawers. I'm happy that i've accomplished my plan for today. It's alright that i'm up til 5am in the morning lol. Cos i'll be night shift later tonight hehehehe.... :p Alright, alright! Nuff said.... Here is the evidence that i sloth the 12 hours away.
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My Wishlist
[ ] Save SGD$12,000
[ ] Driving License in Sg
[ ] Pass IELTS Exam
[ ] Nursing Job in Oz
[ ] Victoria's Secret Water Bottle
[ ] Longchamp Bag x2 in Small Cyclamen & Medium Beige
[ ] Longchamp Bag x2 in Large Turquoise & Large Navy Blue
[ ] Laura Mercier Concealer
[ ] Bobbi Brown Loose Powder
[ ] Pierre Cardin Bra Spree
[ ] Buy 1 Black Professional Glasses & Make 3 Spectacle Lenses
[ ] La Senza Bra Spree
[ ] Sports Bra x3
[ ] Philips Travel-Size Hairdryer
[ ] Philips Travel Hairdryer
[ ] Hot Tools Curling Iron x2
[ ] Flat Iron
[ ] Pink Skechers Shoes
Health Tip
Portion control your meals!!~
Current Hairstyle Spotted
Soft, wavy hair tied to a side ponytail & decorated with a cute flower!!~